School Lunches/Snacks

School Lunches

The Sheffield Local Authority lunch menus offer a range of freshly prepared main courses and desserts providing children with a choice of healthy, balanced meals including vegetarian options. The cost of lunch is £2.60 per meal. 

You can find out more about school meals and Sheffield’s school caterer, Taylor Shaw, on their website:

A vegetarian option is available everyday. If your child has specific dietary needs please contact our School Office on 0114 288 3878

Summer- Autumn Dinner-Menu 2024

Payment of School Meals


School dinners are currently charged at £2.60 per day and need to be paid for on your child’s parentpay account.

Please enquire at the school office if you think that you may be entitled to free school meals.

Packed lunches


If you prefer, your child may bring a healthy packed lunch from home. Please do not send your child with fizzy drinks, chocolate bars, sweets or with food containing nuts (We have a number of children with allergies)

Sandwich boxes are stored on class trolleys in the dinning hall to ensure safe keeping and to prevent children returning to the classrooms unsupervised at lunchtime.

Please ensure that everything is clearly labelled. We do not have refrigeration facilities in school for storing packed lunches during hot weather so bear this in mind when choosing suitable foods.



Children are provided with drinking water at lunch time and children can refill their own named water bottle brought in from home. Their water bottles are kept in the classroom for easy access. Please don’t send your child with a water bottle filled with juice or fizzy drinks.

Healthy snacks

Children may bring a healthy snack to school for their morning break. As we promote a healthy lifestyle, we ask that children do not bring sweets, chocolate bars or fizzy drinks to school. Fruit, dried fruit, yogurts, cheese and health bars are all classed as healthy. Due to a number of children with allergies, please do not send anything to school containing nuts.