Wonderful Me

Wonderful Me

We have a ‘Wonderful Me Board’ in the school hall, on which we proudly display our pupil’s personal achievements for all to see. If your child has been awarded any certificates, medals or trophies out of school that you would like to share, send your child with them to school and we will take a picture to go on our board. Alternatively, you can email your pictures to n.pearce@deepcar-st-johns.sheffield.sch.uk

This year 3 would like to share her swimming success. She recently took part in a swimming gala at Ponds Forge, where she competed against children from across Sheffield. She is delighted to have won the silver medal for finishing in second place in both butterfly and breaststroke.
Since then, she has taken part in a further competition and come away with a further 5 medals.
This is a fantastic achievement – we are really proud of her.
Well done
These two year 5 boys have just been awarded The Chief Silver Scouts award at Cubs. The award signifies a significant level of accomplishment and commitment to scouting. and involves completing a series of tasks related to outdoor activities and things within the community.
Both boys have now moved up to Scouts and are keen to keep on earning more badges and awards.

This year 6 has been having piano lessons for over 3 years now. She is really proud to have passed her last exam with distinction.

Fantastic! Well done.

Well done to this year 4, who has recently swam 1000m – 42 lengths of the pool! Her next aim is to swim 2000m
This year 4 has been going to Karate since she was 4. She recently took her brown stripe exam and passed with flying colours.
This is an amazing achievement – Well done!
This year 4 completed his Grade 2 electric guitar exam in the summer. His certificate has just came through and he passed with distinction, which is not surprising as he practises everyday. This is a great achievement, especially for his age.
His parents are really proud of him and so are we! Well done!
Well done to this year 3 – She’s just passed her Rainbow Distance and swam 200m. This is a fantastic achievement. Congratulations!
Another photo to go on our Wonderful Me board for these two year four girls. These trophies were awarded after completing their dance exams.
Congratulations girls!

These two year four girls play cricket for the local team. They have proudly shared their medals with us that they have been awarded. 

Well done girls. 

During the holidays, this year 6 swam 16 lengths of the pool and was awarded his 400 meter distance certificate.

Well done from everyone at St John’s