Year 5


2023/24 Academic Year


Welcome to year 5! In year 5, we aim to provide an inclusive environment where children are able to develop a love of learning, challenge themselves to take risks and develop their resilience. There are two classes in Year 5, Mrs Bell and Mrs Bradwell, who job share, and Miss Woods-Booth are the class teachers.

Together, we are keeping the children on their toes, challenging their learning, corroborating with their ideas, encouraging them in their strengths and supporting each child as they demonstrate determination, perseverance and resilience, in order to make the very best of themselves and their personal progress. And, who could forget – having fun along the way! There’s always a surprise never too far away when you’re in year 5.

Year Group Contact Email

We appreciate that it may be hard for parents to be able to contact us when we are often in class and parents are at work. To this end we have set up email accounts for each year group which will be accessed by the relevant staff members in response to any pertinent queries you may have regard your child’s learning. We will endeavor to respond as soon as possible.


Year Group Emails

For the past few years, we have been strengthening our ties with Stocksbridge High School to ensure a smooth transition for our Year 6 children.
This has now started from Year 5, and we are working closely with the school to help our children get accustomed to their future school environment.
Last Thursday, we had their first visit to the school. We enjoyed an engaging PE lesson, where they had great fun playing cricket. They also had the opportunity to explore the wonders of science with an exciting hands-on lesson learning all about the digestive system.
These experiences are invaluable in helping our children feel more comfortable and confident as they prepare for the next big step in their educational journey.
Thank you Stocksbridge High School for inviting us. We look forward to many more collaborative activities with the school.
As part of our Geography Theme unit, yesterday, we visited The Moorland Discovery Centre.
The streams and rivers of the upland Peak District provided a stunning setting for a River Study. This location gave them the opportunity to measure different aspects of the river, visit a variety of different river features and learn how they are formed, as well as river dipping to discover creatures living in the river bed, engaging in field work sketches and investigating maps and photographs of the river along its whole course.
A great learning day was had by all!
26th June
We have been learning about the different ways plants reproduce. Two ways they do this is by sending out runners and by growing tubers. We have visited our school garden to look at the strawberry plants to see if they are producing runners yet, and we spotted a few. We were able to pick some ripe strawberries and Mrs Bell’s class were able to taste them. Miss Woods-Booth’s class will be next. We also checked on our potato plants that we have grown from seed potatoes. Fingers crossed we get a good harvest so we can taste these too!

Year 5 Residential 12 to 14th June 

Children had an amazing time on their unforgettable residential in Castleton. They embarked on a fascinating walk where they learned about the rich history and natural beauty of the area. In addition to the walk, they also built dens, mastered fire-making, practiced archery, honed their orienteering skills, and panned for gems. A huge thank you to the dedicated staff who accompanied the children and made this experience possible. Adventure, learning, and memories all in three days!

24th May 2024

Today, Y5 took part in the ‘Trial of the Highwayman’ where they argued their points, using formal, persuasive and emotive language. It was a very tough decision for the judge! Well done all!

23rd May 2024
Today, we  investigated the effect of space and scale whilst creating 3D art. They took inspiration from artist Cai Guo-Qiang’s exploding drawing installation ‘White Tone’. They cut a box to create a ‘room’, cut and stuck stencils to it, then used card, tissue paper, pens, paint and glitter to create an ‘explosion’. They then peeled off the stencils to reveal their finished piece!
Here are Y5MWB’s finished emoji teddies!
They have designed the emoji themselves and used a range of stitches: running, cross and blanket to add details and secure.
Tons of effort and focus have gone into these – well done. 

Thank you to all who donated shoe boxes. We have now finished their biomes and proudly presented them to the class last week!

25th March 

Today, in Year 5, the children have started a DT project which is to design and sew an emoji stuffed toy. They have chosen which emotion they want to create and then thought about suitable shapes for the eyes and mouth. The children must now use a range of stitches, running stitch, back stitch and blanket stitch to make their final creations. Well done for persevering today as cutting out the shapes was very tricky. We’ll show you our final designs later this week!

20th March 2024
Yesterday, children were absolutely buzzing about their virtual reality sessions at school.
They went on an incredible journey exploring the Amazon, travelling back to The Stoneage and discovering facts about Volcanoes, giving them all an immersive learning experience linked to our current themes in school.
We’re thrilled to see our children engaging with technology in such a meaningful and educational way.
7th March 2024
World Book day is a great opportunity for children to come together and celebrate the joy of reading. Sharing a book can foster a love for literature and encourage creativity and imagination.
Allowing children from across Royd and St John’s to come together to share a book helps to promote reading for pleasure as well as allowing the older children develop their leadership, nurturing and communication skills.
21st February 
Today, Mrs Bell’s class had lots of fun in computing where they learnt to connect a microcontroller and program it to light up an LED! Some children added a forever loop to keep it flashing constantly. Miss Woods-Booth was very impressed with how quick they picked it up!

Week commencing 5th February

This week, Y5 have developed their art skills, experimenting with materials and techniques. Today, they finished their final pieces. They have had lots of freedom when deciding what to use in creating their self-portrait and have had to carefully consider the atmosphere and message behind it.
They are all so unique; well done Y5MWB!
Week commencing 5th February
In  their Art lesson this week, the children in Y5HBSB have created a Poem Portrait.
This consisted of the children writing a poem about themselves in the outline of their face. They then chose a background choosing from watercolour, collage or card shapes to add detail to parts of the face.
The children really enjoyed this process and the results were really quite unique. Well done!

Y5 have enjoyed some survival skills lessons recently in preparation for writing a set of instructions about how to survive in the Amazon rainforest.

They had to guess which fruits were edible and match injuries to the correct treatments. Outside, they made their own shelter (a lean-to), made beds raised from the ground in order to not lose body heat and discussed how to create a fire. A fun, hands-on morning!

Monday 18th december
We have thoroughly enjoyed our Roman day today!
In the morning, we made their own ‘Marius Mules’ to carry their kit. They practised Roman army drills using shields and swords (particularly enjoying the testudo formation!). They also spent time making roman coins, signalling using flags, trying on Roman armour/clothing and using Roman-style weighing scales.
In the afternoon, they became Roman engineers, building arched bridges and firing catapults at targets. They also enjoyed playing a range of Roman games and creating an offering for the Gods.
We finished the day by firing the Onega catapult in the hall. A fun-filled, engaging day for all!

15th December

Last week Y5 had a special live virtual event with author Katherine Rundell. They listened intently as she discussed where she gets her ideas from. After Christmas, they will begin reading one of her best-selling books, The Explorer.

14th December
Miss Woods-Booth’s class have enjoyed designing their own websites this week. They have carefully considered their font choice, size, background and images. After Christmas they will be adding more information and hyperlinks. Well done Y5!
We had lots of fun Thursday afternoon when they finally got to fire their catapults! We will test in the hall at a later date to see which catapult can fire the furthest… 
Miss Woods-Booth has been so impressed with the Autumn half-term homework from her class. Well done to the children on their creativity and effort!

PE – Autumn Term 2

Hockey is a great way for children to get active. It helps them develop strength, agility, and endurance while having fun.
It also helps with co-ordination skills and team work.
Hockey forms part of our PE curriculum and this week we are practising our ball control and dribbling skills.

19th October 2023

Over the last couple of days Y5 have been making catapults. They have looked at the history of catapults and labelled the different parts. They then got to work cutting, measuring and assembling.

Thank you very much to all our parent helpers! Every group has now finished. They are very excited to test them out after half-term

Week commencing 16th October 

In a recent science lesson we used Oreos to recreate the different phases of the moon.

They then enjoyed eating them after!

17th October

During an art afternoon, children in year 5 drew lines to divide their sketchbook into four and then tried to replicate a section of an image by selecting from a range of materials.

They took time to consider how they could recreate the colours, textures, lines and shapes.

Great work year 5!

3rd October 

Today, we had a very special visit from a Professor from the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Sheffield. He spoke to the children about the Solar System, the space station, space suits and much more. They thoroughly enjoyed the talk, learning lots and asking interesting questions! 

29th September 2023

Today, we enjoyed our first Maths Measures Day of this academic year, where children got to build on their understanding of measurement in a fun and hands on way.

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers who joined us this morning. We hope you enjoyed the morning as much as we did.

25th September 2023 

In science, Year 5 are learning about the Sun, Earth and Moon. Yesterday, we investigated why we have day and night. We used globes and a torch, which represented the Sun, to understand how as the Earth spins on its axis, it rotates which creates night and day. In the UK, it is day time when we are facing the Sun and as we rotate away from the Sun it is night time. We had fun modelling this and trying to explain what is happening. 

8th September 2023

During transition week, we started sketching self portraits. Over the course of this week, the portraits have been finished and will now be going on display.