We baseline children on entry to our school so that we have an accurate starting point. The overwhelming majority of schools do this. The National Curriculum tells the teacher what to teach and the expectations for each year group. 

We will inform you every term of where your child is working in Reading, Writing and maths according to Age Related Expectations. Evidence of your child’s attainment is moderated by staff throughout the year to ensure a fair assessment is made. 

A Year 6 child sits National Tests (SATs) in May. These tests are provided by, and marked by, an external examining board. For Reading, Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar and maths, results are sent to you when we receive them in July. Writing is graded by teacher assessment.

In May, children sit the following tests:

In May, year 6 children take the following Statutory Assessments

Every March, the children sit mock papers with exactly the same conditions as they will experience on the actual week. The purpose of mock week is for the children to become familiar with the exam environment so they are as relaxed and comfortable as possible for the real thing.

The biggest single influence on your child’s SAT marks will be their reading ability. Good readers can read questions quickly and understand what they need to do. Continue to encourage your child to read every day, looking at both fiction and non-fiction. Please also ensure that your child continues to complete their maths and English homework set each week.


Y6 Results

Statutory Assessment results

The year 6 SAT results for the previous academic year can be found on the GOV.UK website – Department for Education – School performance Tables 

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year.

Department for Education – Compare Schools Site is a website that can be used to compare all schools and colleges.