Year 4

Welcome to year 4! In year 4, we want to create the opportunity for all children to immerse themselves fully into Key Stage Two and the exciting challenges that it brings. The year 4 team consists of Miss Danks and Miss Steward, the class teachers.

Together, we are passionate about providing a positive learning environment for the children, where they are engaged and supported in their learning so they can reach their full potential.

In year 4, we will encourage your child to become more independent, not only in their learning but socially too and we will watching them grow and flourish as the year progresses.

Year Group Contact Email

We appreciate that it may be hard for parents to be able to contact us when we are often in class and parents are at work. To this end we have set up email accounts for each year group which will be accessed by the relevant staff members in response to any pertinent queries you may have regard your child’s learning. We will endeavor to respond as soon as possible.


Year Group Email address

These are as follows:

7th June 2024

Our year 4 children had the chance to see amazing animals up close, learn about their habitats and understand the importance of conservation.

A huge thank you to our wonder teachers and parent volunteers who made this trip possible.

The children came back with big smiles and lots of stories to share.

We had a fabulous time at The Oakes

inspiring a love of music is something that we are very passionate about at St John’s.
Yesterday, in music, we learned about the pentatonic scale, which is a musical scale with 5 notes as apposed to 7. Children then composed their own melodies, which we then got to play on our newly purchased glockenspiels.
7th March 2024
World Book day is a great opportunity for children to come together and celebrate the joy of reading. Sharing a book can foster a love for literature and encourage creativity and imagination.
Allowing children from across Royd and St John’s to come together to share a book helps to promote reading for pleasure as well as allowing the older children develop their leadership, nurturing and communication skills.
On Thursday 1st February, we  went to Creswell Crags as part of their topic ‘Stone Age’.
During the visit, we explored one of the caves in Creswell Crags to hear stories of survival in the Stone Age. We also experienced what it took to survive as a Stone Age person and got the opportunity to become a prehistoric painter.
A great learning day was had by all!