Art and Design
At Deepcar St John’s C of E Junior School, we believe that a high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.
The aims of our Art and Design curriculum are to ensure that all pupils:
– Learn the skills of drawing, painting, sculpture, collage, printing, textiles and digital media
– Study traditional and contemporary artists, developing their knowledge of a range of styles
– Produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
– Evaluate and reflect on their own work, and that of others, using the language of art and design
– Visit an art gallery or museum
Pupils at Deepcar St John’s C of E Junior School have the opportunity to participate in high-quality art lessons throughout the year. Art is taught as a distinct subject with links being made to other areas of the curriculum when it enriches and extends children’s learning.
The specific skills of painting, drawing and sculpture are covered every year while collage, printing, textiles and digital media are taught at least once during a child’s time at Deepcar St John’s. Progression of these skills is based on the Chris Quigley Essentials with Lower KS2 working on Milestone 2 and Upper KS2 working on Milestone 3.
As children transition through year groups, they develop skills and demonstrate how to create their own style and voice, showing appreciation for the artwork they and others create.
Children’s work is assessed against the ‘ARE Learning’ outlined in the Medium Term Planning. These ongoing formative assessments provide evidence for a summative assessment at the end of the Autumn, Spring and Summer term.
We also measure impact through pupil voice and work scrutinies. Art and Design books are passed up through school allowing us to see how the quality of work improves year on year. Children’s work is celebrated on displays around school and photographs are uploaded onto the school website and social media accounts.
Essential Learning Objectives:
- To develop ideas
- To master techniques
- To take inspiration from the greats
Please visit our Curriculum Overview page for Subject Policies, Curriculum Booklets and Subject Information Leaflets.