Year 3

Welcome to the wonderful world of Key Stage 2. Year 3!


Mrs Thompson and Miss Hurst are the year 3 class teachers.

In Year 3, we teach children how to become responsible and independent members of our school, learning lots of new skills along the way. Of course, it is important that we have LOTS of fun as we learn, and we have some exciting learning opportunities to help us do as well as a range of engaging subjects to broaden our knowledge!

Throughout the year,  we will continue to build on what they have already learned in KS1, build good friendships and continue to make good choices.

We appreciate that it may be hard for parents to be able to contact us when we are often in class and parents are at work. To this end we have set up email accounts for each year group which will be accessed by the relevant staff members in response to any pertinent queries you may have regard your child’s learning. We will endeavour to respond as soon as possible.


Year Group Email address

1st July 2024 

What a fantastic time we all had at Cliff House – Memories to last a life time! 

10th June 2024

We are involved in Sheffield Cathedral’s Schools Singing Programme. Mr Daggett, who leads the sessions, invited them to visit the Cathedral.

Yesterday, they were welcomed by the Dean, had a tour of the building, a rehearsal in the Chapter House and then gave a small performance as part of the 12:30pm Eucharist.

We had a great learning day.

7th March 2024
World Book day is a great opportunity for children to come together and celebrate the joy of reading. Sharing a book can foster a love for literature and encourage creativity and imagination.
Allowing children from across Royd and St John’s to come together to share a book helps to promote reading for pleasure as well as allowing the older children develop their leadership, nurturing and communication skills.
7th March 
Today, we enjoyed a World Book day themed PE Lesson this afternoon. Miss Priest, our Sheffield Wednesday Sports Coach planned a Harry Potter inspired game of Quidditch.
Great fun was had by all!

20th February  

In science, year 3 are learning all about friction as part of their new science topic.. Today, they investigated how different surfaces affect how an object travels.

19th February

Yesterday, Mr Daggett from Sheffield Cathedral came into school to start a singing project with us. The children learned about pulse and how to read music and had lots of fun too.

We are learning how to write to inform this term and are focusing on instruction texts. They have been looking at key features and language used in instructions and had a go at following ‘how to make a jam sandwich’ before sitting down and enjoying the end product. 

 Y3 Design and Technology Workshop

On Monday 13th November, Hepp DT came coming into school to deliver a DT workshop to both Y3 classes.

Hepp DT are specialists in Design and Technology. They provide high quality workshops to primary schools across the country, deliver training to teachers overseas via online platforms and are currently writing content for BBC Bitesize. Their services are incredibly sought after so we have been very fortunate to secure this date.

Using a range of tools, equipment and material, Hepp DT guided the children through the ‘design, make and evaluate’ process to create a miniature Anderson Shelter; one of the many forms of protection that people used against air raids during WW2.

This links to our current Theme topic about Europe where we will we be moving onto WW2 and the Battle of Britain.

Y3 Residential to Cliffe House – Monday 1st July 2024 to Wednesday 3rd July 2024

As part of our extra-curricular activities, Y3 will be going on a two-night residential to Cliffe House in Shepley, West Yorkshire from Monday 1st July 2024 to Wednesday 3rd July 2024. 

Cliffe House believe every young person should experience the world beyond the classroom as part of a broad and balanced curriculum. They provide a blend of both educational and adventure focused activities, delivered by experienced and qualified staff. Immersing young people in an active and engaging environment encourages them to learn whilst having fun together.

The cost of the residential will be approximately £179 and includes the cost of the coach, accommodation & food as well as experienced staff to deliver a range of activities that will feed your child’s sense of adventure and discovery.

Payment is now available via your child’s ParentPay account.

Further details will be sent nearer the time but if you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via the school

Installment Payment Schedule

Payment for the Y3 residential will be collected in 6 installments as follows:

Installment 1- £29.83 to be paid by 31 October 2023.

Installment 2 – £29.83 to be paid by 30 November 2023.

Installment 3 – £29.83 to be paid by 31 January 2024.

Installment 4 – £29.83 to be paid by 29 February 2024.

Installment 5 – £29.83 to be paid by 31 March 2024.

Installment 6 – £29.85 to be paid by 30 April 2024.

Total – £179

Payment is now available via your child’s ParentPay account.

6th October 2023

Reading for pleasure is at the heart of our reading curriculum. We believe that reading is the entitlement of every child. Our aim is for every child to choose to read, enjoy reading and read regularly now and for the rest of their lives. If they do this, they will benefit academically, socially, emotionally and in terms of their health.

All classrooms at St John’s have a reading area with a range of fiction and non-fiction texts that are appropriate for our pupils age and reading levels.

During the school year, the children share their love of reading with our school community through events such as World Book Day.

We encourage all our parents to share books with their children. Reading a story is fun – it’s a time for closeness, laughing and talking together: set aside some time, ask your child to choose a book, sit close together, point to the pictures, encourage your child to talk about the book and lastly, above all – make it fun!

 Today, children in year 3 chose their reading for pleasure books from the class library. and then snuggled up next to a campfire to ensure some time with their new books.

29th September 2023

Today, we enjoyed our first Maths Measures Day of this academic year, where children got to build on their understanding of measurement in a fun and hands on way.

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers who joined us this morning. We hope you enjoyed the morning as much as we did.